Custora: Bringing data to life

Custora (since acquired by Amperity)

Editorial Design, Animation

David Stychno - creative direction


Custora was a customer analytics software company that I had the pleasure to freelance for on a range of projects. They had a clear brand identity, but were looking for designs that could expand their visual execution and add more fun to their whitepapers and product. Below are several examples of freelance work I contributed to their team.


Growth Index Whitepaper
I designed for Custora’s 2018 Growth Index whitepaper. The growth index was centered around frequency, so we chose to use sine waves as the main visual element throughout.

Download the Growth Index →



Chester Animations
I helped create animated GIFs of Custora’s mascot, Chester. The animations were used throughout their software, as a loading indicator.



Pulse Quarterly Report Whitepaper
I designed for Custora’s 2014 Quarterly Report. The Custora team purchased toilet paper online for the first time while they were writing this report, a sign of how far e-commerce has come. This white paper was the inspiration for the design of the whitepaper.

Download the Quarterly Report →



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